Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Blood Raven Primaris Aggressors with Flamestorm gauntlets

Continuing with the large stock of unpainted Primaris Space marines.  Next up was the Aggressors.  I made these flamestorm variants before reading the forums for the boltstorms and frag launcher set-up...  Oh well, split milk - but still since they occupy an elite slot - I did gold pauldrons and bone helmets.  Here is the finished results:

Blood Raven Primaris Aggressors with Flamestorm gauntlets
Blood Raven Primaris Aggressors with Flamestorm gauntlets

Blood Raven Primaris Aggressors with Flamestorm gauntlets

Blood Raven Primaris Aggressors with Flamestorm gauntlets

Blood Raven Primaris Aggressors with Flamestorm gauntlets

Working on another batch of these guys, along with Angelos, and the killteam Admechs...  More to come.