Friday, March 2, 2018

Blood Raven Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor

Finally!  All of the Dark Imperium collection is now wrapped up.  The final piece is the captain.  Still have so many models to paint for my Blood Raven's collection.  I've recently added a lot to my Thousand Sons collection, so start expecting to see them to pop into the rotation soon.  And here is the Captain now...

Blood Raven Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor

Blood Raven Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor

Blood Raven Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor

Blood Raven Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor


  1. Great job! How you managed to get that glittering effect on sword?

  2. Good morning Lar B. I learned from several videos. Here is the one for airbrushing:

    Duncan's tutorial for straight brush painting n ok n-metal metal swords:

    That should give you both ways. Font forget to get the whole blade a thin coat of 'ardcoat' to make it shine and protect it. Good luck!

  3. Looks awesome, what red do you use on him?

    1. Good Morning! I followed Duncan's tutorial video:

      The major thing to note is yes - the armor looks very dark initially, but the evil suns scarlet gives such a vivid contrast, that your eyes naturally blend the whole piece together. I originally did my miniatures in Mephiston Red, but Duncan's method works better for making the red POP! Now, personally - the shoulder pads - I used Zandri Dust then screaming skull for the layer vs. ushabti bone. I like my minatures looking cleaner to revere the emperor! Good luck!
