Saturday, August 17, 2019

Blood Raven Tactical Marine Overhaul results

Okay!  Even with contrast paints and having a plan - life gets in the way like normal.  Also, doing anything in groups of more than 10 models at a go is a still a challenge for me.  Still, the results speak for themselves...

NOTE:  Used the Dollar Store's "LA's totally awesome" - had them soak for 3 days, did an initial scrub and then let them sit for an additional 2 days to eat the rest of the paint.  Doesn't harm plastic models - but tends to not always be strong enough to eat off GW's primers.  But - getting almost all the gunk off and not harming plastic - it's something unlike Simple green.

The rabble is now done!
Blood Raven Tactical Marine

The older School (First ever painted (right) to the new and improved on the Left) 

Blood Raven Tactical Marine

Old Sergeant and new look.

Blood Raven Tactical Marine Sergeant

Blood Raven Tactical Marine Sergeant

And the full revamp:
Blood Raven Tactical Marine

Blood Raven Tactical Marine

Blood Raven Tactical Marine

Blood Raven Tactical Marine

Jump Pack and Side profile:

Blood Raven Tactical Marine Sergeant

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