Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Thousand Sons Scarab Occult Terminators

I've been painting these 6 Tsons terminators for over a year since other projects kept getting in the way.  Finally buckled down and got them done!!!  Here is the finished product:

Thousand sons scarab occult terminators
6 man squad (had extra bitz) - fully magnetized

Thousand sons scarab occult terminators
Sorcerer, heavy, and standard thousand sons terminator

Thousand sons scarab occult terminators
Heavy reaper cannon and profile shots of the Scarab Occults

Thousand sons scarab occult terminators
Both Heavies

Thousand sons scarab occult terminators
Side profile for better look at the burn markings flamer

Thousand sons scarab occult terminators
Right side of heavy flamer

 Pro Tip:  When doing the Hieroglyphics for the bolters and heavy weapons - started with Baharoth Blue for base coat.  Want as sharp of a blue as you can get.  Next - using a 0.5 Micro pen, use can lightly "skim" over the top of the casing - picking out the raised black parts while keeping the interior of the depressions Baharoth blue.  Much easier time of it then using a paint brush. 

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