Saturday, August 24, 2019

Blood Raven Primaris Apothecary

Ok... For the most part - contrast paints are awesome!  But for the Apothecary white, I had to re-layer with Ulthuan Grey (used the pre-mixed Ulthuan Grey Air) to prevent the highlights from being so damn STARK!  I heavy applied the Apothecary white previously, so it had a medium grey all over the model.  Other then that, standard highlighting and glazes.  Little Blood for the Blood God for small accents.  Not too bad for ~6 hours of work.

Concept Art:

Finished Product:

Blood Raven Primaris Apothecary

Blood Raven Primaris Apothecary

Blood Raven Primaris Apothecary

Blood Raven Primaris Apothecary

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