Thursday, March 8, 2018

Blood Raven Land Raider Redeemer

And the refurbishment project continues!  This was my first landraider, but had to remod the doors to allow for the magnetization.  By far - the landraider model is the EASIEST to magnetize.  This paint scheme is off of Dawn of War II: Retribution.  The Redeemer is the first example I'll be posting.  I will also include the standard lascannon and the crusader variants as well.  Here is the final product:

Blood Raven Land Raider Redeemer

Blood Raven Land Raider Redeemer

Blood Raven Land Raider Redeemer

Blood Raven Land Raider Redeemer

Blood Raven Land Raider Redeemer

To simply magnetize you'll need the three things:

  • Evergreen Scale Models brand item #166: .080 X .125 Plastic Styrene Strips
  • K&J Magnetics Neodymium Magnets, Grade N42: Disc, 11/16" X 1/32"
  • Super Glue
Cut the Styrene strips and fit them into the gaps in the hatch.  Leave the strips a little longer then the doorway opening.  You can easily bend them and snap them into place.  Once you get those two strips in - single dot of super glue in the center of each strip.  Place the Disc Magnet over top of both of the strips.  Wait at least 15 minutes before moving your landraider, just to be safe...  Refer to Picture #2 below for the look and magnet placement.

Blood Raven Land Raider Redeemer

Blood Raven Land Raider Redeemer

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