Monday, April 17, 2017

Thousand Sons Rubric Marines & more WIP

It's Begun!  Finally able to post some of the work I've been doing.  Still for the most part is work in progress, but this is where I'm at so far.  I've finally finished the old school 10 man rubric (added the reaper cannon marine to go from the old 9 man squad to the new 10 man set-up).  Also, debuting the first completed Scarab Occult Terminator and a new WIP up-armor TS rhino construct.  I found a non-metal metal example I based the design on.  My twist - making the front Eye of Magnus to be Ticzan Marble from the Pyramids.  Challenge accepted! Enjoy...

First up, the completed 10 man rubrics:

Thousand Son Rubric Marines
Thousand Son Rubric Marines - Front

Thousand Son Rubric Marines

Thousand Son Rubric Marine
Thousand Son Rubric Marine

Thousand Son Rubric Marines - Back
Thousand Son Rubric Marine - Reaper Cannon

Thousand Son Rubric Marine - R2

The Aspiring Sorcerer:

Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer
Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer - Back
Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer
Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer - Front

Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer - Right

Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer - Left

New addition, 1st Scarab Occult Terminator:

Scarab Occult Terminator
Thousand Sons Scarab Occult Terminator - Front
Thousand Sons Scarab Occult Terminator - Back

Thousand Sons Scarab Occult Terminator - Power Kolpesh
Thousand Sons Scarab Occult Terminator - Left

Thousand Sons Scarab Occult Terminator - Right

WIP Thousand Son Rhino:

Thousand Sons Rhino
Thousand Sons Rhino - Front

Thousand Sons Rhino
Thousand Sons Rhino - Interior

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