Thursday, November 23, 2017

Saim Hann WraithKnight WIP (Work in Progress)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I've finally begun progress on the final piece to the commissioned Eldar Army.  Here is some teaser photos of the work thus far...:

Finally got a pose I could work with!  The Necron doom scythe has now been properly mangled to the point where I can start adding green stuff for the melted/liquid metal motif.  Should look like the WraithKnight's cannons did a bang up job killing it's prey.  Also have a couple Necron warrrior bodies I'll be scattering around the ground to add to the carnage.

Stay tuned...!

Part 2: Creating the Liquid Metal - similar to the T1000 from terminator.  Simulating the damage of what a bright lance/Star Cannon/Wraith cannon might look like.  Current progress:

Melted Pilot!  Necron's beware...

More to come...

Last update before bed - finally got the melted metal painted on the Scythe, Warrior and Pilot:

Part 3: Finally completed the base and begun the rest of the assembly.  Body is now done and waiting the next 3 hours for the plastic glue to set to support the weight of the arm weaponry.  Making the Barrels of most of the cannons swappable - doing a test run later to see if this is possible or I'll have to glue the wraith cannon's in place.  Progress so far: 

More to come... Weaponry next.

Update 4:  Flushing out the overall design/look.  Decided to do all the soulstones in green.

More to come...

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