Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Humble Beginnings...

A friend asked me the other day - what did my first model's I painted look like?  Unfortunately, all my previous pictures from my old facebook profile with lost.  I had to go a take new photos of my first models couple models that I haven't gone back and redone!  We all have to start somewhere and these were my first attempts at painting.  Dingy, simple, just starting to learn about washes - these guys are where it all began...

Comparison, now vs. then...

As long as you believe in yourself and the talent that is within you - anyone can start painting and the best place to start hands-down is with Game's Workshop models.  Their "paint by numbers" steps gets great results even with the youngest kids.  Makes me believe in myself a little more and makes me want to try new challenges to see what comes out.  I did these, and you can do as well if not better then me - you just have to try.

Well Fernando...  You got the guts? :P

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