Friday, November 10, 2017

Blood Raven Rhino / Razorback conversion & refurbishment WIP

Good Evening!

With 8th edition rules revamping the good 'ol fashioned Assault cannons, I've decided to add two twin-linked variants to my collection.  I've settle on "Bits O War/Kromlech" produced bits for the upgrades:

Twin Link Assault cannon turret link:


Las/Plas Turret link:


So here is the work done so far!  First the comparison to the work I did on this almost 8 years ago to the cleaned up rhino of today:

Blood Raven Rhino
Left side is the original work - Right side is the new and improved look.

Blood Raven Rhino

Blood Raven Rhino

Blood Raven Rhino

Now, including the completed Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Turrets from Bits O war.  Working on it's sister for the other Razoback along with the Las/Plas variant.  The work done so far...

Blood Raven Razorback
Blood Raven Razorback with Twin-linked Assault Cannon Turret.

Blood Raven Razorback

Blood Raven Razorback

Blood Raven Razorback

Plan to show off the new turrets here shortly before I begin work on the Saim Hann Wraithknight.  Stay tuned...

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