Thursday, November 23, 2017

Saim Hann WraithKnight WIP (Work in Progress)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I've finally begun progress on the final piece to the commissioned Eldar Army.  Here is some teaser photos of the work thus far...:

Finally got a pose I could work with!  The Necron doom scythe has now been properly mangled to the point where I can start adding green stuff for the melted/liquid metal motif.  Should look like the WraithKnight's cannons did a bang up job killing it's prey.  Also have a couple Necron warrrior bodies I'll be scattering around the ground to add to the carnage.

Stay tuned...!

Part 2: Creating the Liquid Metal - similar to the T1000 from terminator.  Simulating the damage of what a bright lance/Star Cannon/Wraith cannon might look like.  Current progress:

Melted Pilot!  Necron's beware...

More to come...

Last update before bed - finally got the melted metal painted on the Scythe, Warrior and Pilot:

Part 3: Finally completed the base and begun the rest of the assembly.  Body is now done and waiting the next 3 hours for the plastic glue to set to support the weight of the arm weaponry.  Making the Barrels of most of the cannons swappable - doing a test run later to see if this is possible or I'll have to glue the wraith cannon's in place.  Progress so far: 

More to come... Weaponry next.

Update 4:  Flushing out the overall design/look.  Decided to do all the soulstones in green.

More to come...

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Blood Raven Rhino & Razorback

Finally got these pieces done!  Nice to have new painted additions to my army.  Here is the finished products:

First up - The Rhino!

Blood Raven Rhino

Blood Raven Rhino

Blood Raven Rhino

Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Razorbacks:

Blood Raven Razorback

Blood Raven Razorback

The Razorback - Las/Plas Variant:

Blood Raven Razorback

Blood Raven Razorback

Blood Raven Razorback

Blood Raven Razorback

Now beginning work on the anticipated WraithKnight.  :)  Keep you all posted!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Blood Raven Rhino / Razorback conversion & refurbishment WIP

Good Evening!

With 8th edition rules revamping the good 'ol fashioned Assault cannons, I've decided to add two twin-linked variants to my collection.  I've settle on "Bits O War/Kromlech" produced bits for the upgrades:

Twin Link Assault cannon turret link:


Las/Plas Turret link:


So here is the work done so far!  First the comparison to the work I did on this almost 8 years ago to the cleaned up rhino of today:

Blood Raven Rhino
Left side is the original work - Right side is the new and improved look.

Blood Raven Rhino

Blood Raven Rhino

Blood Raven Rhino

Now, including the completed Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Turrets from Bits O war.  Working on it's sister for the other Razoback along with the Las/Plas variant.  The work done so far...

Blood Raven Razorback
Blood Raven Razorback with Twin-linked Assault Cannon Turret.

Blood Raven Razorback

Blood Raven Razorback

Blood Raven Razorback

Plan to show off the new turrets here shortly before I begin work on the Saim Hann Wraithknight.  Stay tuned...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Humble Beginnings...

A friend asked me the other day - what did my first model's I painted look like?  Unfortunately, all my previous pictures from my old facebook profile with lost.  I had to go a take new photos of my first models couple models that I haven't gone back and redone!  We all have to start somewhere and these were my first attempts at painting.  Dingy, simple, just starting to learn about washes - these guys are where it all began...

Comparison, now vs. then...

As long as you believe in yourself and the talent that is within you - anyone can start painting and the best place to start hands-down is with Game's Workshop models.  Their "paint by numbers" steps gets great results even with the youngest kids.  Makes me believe in myself a little more and makes me want to try new challenges to see what comes out.  I did these, and you can do as well if not better then me - you just have to try.

Well Fernando...  You got the guts? :P

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Blood Raven Primaris Reivers

I got a good deal on 2 starter boxes of Reivers for $11, so I decided to add a small 5 man to my army.  Here is the result:

Blood Raven Primaris Reivers

Blood Raven Primaris Reivers

Blood Raven Primaris Reivers

Blood Raven Primaris Reivers

Blood Raven Primaris Reivers

Blood Raven Primaris Reivers

Blood Raven Primaris Reiver Sergeant

Blood Raven Primaris Reiver Sergeant

Blood Raven Primaris Reiver Sergeant

Blood Raven Primaris Reiver Sergeant

Blood Raven Primaris Reiver Sergeant

Quickly working on twin Assault cannon upgrades from Kromlech and then beginning the highly anticipated Saim Hann WraithKnight.  Stay tuned!