Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Saim Hann Wraithlord

This is the 2nd to last model in the Saim Hann commission for my friend.  Finally got his Wraithlord completed.  Here is the pictures of the completed model.  Loadout is twin Flamers, Ghost Glaive, Plasma Missile launcher, and a Shuriken Cannon.

Saim Hann Wraithlord
Saim Hann Wraithlord - Front

Saim Hann Wraithlord
Shuriken Cannon

Saim Hann Wraithlord
Primary Soul Stone

Saim Hann Wraithlord
Plasma Missile Launcher

Saim Hann Wraithlord Ghost Glaive
Ghost Glaive

Next up is Blood Raven Storm Talon and Saim Hann WraithKnight.

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