Sunday, October 29, 2017

Blood Raven Stormtalon

It was high time I finally added a flyer to my BR's.  After a lot of research into design's I like, I have to give credit to Matt Farr for his own take on possible BR Stormtalon.  His post here:

Using that and the official GW paint schema - Duncan Rhoades showcasing DoW III BR painting schema:

And I came up with this hopefully to look like it would on the GW website.  Here is the finished product:

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

To see how I magnetized the gun/missile pods - please visit my earlier Black Templar's commission:

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