Saturday, March 14, 2020

Thousand Sons Cultists

This took less time then I originally thought.  The new contrast paints allowed me to crank out these guys in 3 days!  My tzaangors took longer for the envisioned color scheme - which helped me focus on what I was gonna do for these puppies.  Combo of Disciples of Tzeentch & Necromunda's Orlock Gang.  Liked the idea of warped version of steam punk meets Cthulhu (tommy gun/drum magazine looking autoguns).  Finished results:

Thousand Sons Cultists

Thousand Sons Cultists

Thousand Sons Cultists

Thousand Sons Cultists

Thousand Sons Cultists

Almost all the models were done in contrast paints other then the metallics.  I was able to crank out the 10 man in ~approximately 1 hour a night for 3 nights.  Pretty quick!  More to come.

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