Monday, November 12, 2018

Warhammer Cities of Death


Got my 2nd batch of buildings painted.  Starting to hit my stride.  Here is some of the older buildings in my collection that I finally got around to finish painting for over 2 years.  Here is the recent updates:

Small Chapel:
Cities of Death Small Chapel

Cities of Death Small Chapel

Utility Hab:
Cities of Death Utility Hab

Cities of Death Utility Hab

Hall of Judgement:

Cities of Death Hall of Judgement

Cities of Death Hall of Judgement

Cities of Death Hall of Judgement

Cities of Death Hall of Judgement

 Mechanicus Factory:

Cities of Death Mechanicus Factory

Cities of Death Mechanicus Factory

Cities of Death Mechanicus Factory

Cities of Death Mechanicus Factory

I have a couple bastions and some bits/bobs left to wrap up.  Might be working on some Ork Kill-team Minatures next...

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