Thursday, March 15, 2018

Blood Raven Predator Destructor Tank

PART 1: 2nd from the last model for the refurbishment project.  Finally got around to repairing all my sponsons and remagnetized them as well.  Give a quick walkthrough on the next post.  This paint scheme came directly from the newer DoW III.  So!  Here is the refurbed Predator Destructor, aka "Dakka Pred".:

Blood Raven Predator Destructor

Blood Raven Predator Destructor

Blood Raven Predator Destructor

Blood Raven Predator Destructor

Blood Raven Predator Destructor

Part #2 should be along shortly with the Predator Annihilator (Twin-Linked Lascannon) main turret and Lascannon Sponsons.  Stay tuned!

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