Sunday, December 30, 2018

Imperial bastions and Killteam supplies

Long time and doing a quick post in between the Holidays.  Finally after 8 years I finished painting my bastions.  Also did a quick paint splash on some supplies/CONEX that I received for the Killteam box set I got.  And here it is....

First up, those Imperial Bastions:

Imperial Bastion

Imperial Bastion

Imperial Bastion

Killteam Supplies:

Killteam supplies

Killteam supplies

Next up, working on some Killteam Ork commandos and gretchin - with a twist...

Monday, November 12, 2018

Warhammer Cities of Death


Got my 2nd batch of buildings painted.  Starting to hit my stride.  Here is some of the older buildings in my collection that I finally got around to finish painting for over 2 years.  Here is the recent updates:

Small Chapel:
Cities of Death Small Chapel

Cities of Death Small Chapel

Utility Hab:
Cities of Death Utility Hab

Cities of Death Utility Hab

Hall of Judgement:

Cities of Death Hall of Judgement

Cities of Death Hall of Judgement

Cities of Death Hall of Judgement

Cities of Death Hall of Judgement

 Mechanicus Factory:

Cities of Death Mechanicus Factory

Cities of Death Mechanicus Factory

Cities of Death Mechanicus Factory

Cities of Death Mechanicus Factory

I have a couple bastions and some bits/bobs left to wrap up.  Might be working on some Ork Kill-team Minatures next...

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Kill-team Sector Imperialis Administratum

Good Morning!  This post has been a long time coming.  Finally moved into the new place and got the studio set-up!  Still working on my airbrush station, but details...

So!  Finally finished up my test run with the new kill-team buildings, working on a couple more before I get back to the armies - But Here they are in all their glory!

Test Painting Phase:
sector imperialis administratum

sector imperialis administratum

sector imperialis administratum

sector imperialis administratum

sector imperialis administratum

Finished product:

sector imperialis administratum

sector imperialis administratum

sector imperialis administratum

sector imperialis administratum

Couple more deathworld buildings, then back to troops!  My Thousand sons still need updating.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Thousand Sons Tzaangors

Finished a 1/4th of the new Tzaangor Troops.  Still working on proper blends for these wee beasties, but coming along.  Here is the current results.  30 more now to go...

Thousand Sons Tzaangors

Thousand Sons Tzaangors

Thousand Sons Tzaangors

Thousand Sons Tzaangors

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Blood Raven Librarian in Terminator Armor

At Last!  The last of the refurbished models are now complete.  The Libby before:

And now:

Blood Raven Librarian in Terminator Armor

Blood Raven Librarian in Terminator Armor

Blood Raven Librarian in Terminator Armor

Blood Raven Librarian in Terminator Armor

Blood Raven Librarian in Terminator Armor

Next up!  A bunch of Tzaangor's and Blood Raven Primaris with Flamestorm guantlets - perfect for roasting 'nids or Orks.  

Friday, March 23, 2018

Tzaangor with 2 close combat weapons

So!  Trying out a painting test run while my libby's base was drying.  I have 39 more of these guys to paint, so trying to get the look down before I duplicated a whole bunch more!  Here is my test run with the 40K paint schema:

Tzaangor with 2 close combat blades

Tzaangor with 2 close combat blades

Tzaangor with 2 close combat blades

Tzaangor with 2 close combat blades

Should be posting the libby soon!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Blood Raven Dreadnought

2nd to last of the Refurbishments!  This time it's the Black Reach Dreadnought - one of my first models!  Here is the before pictures I showed previously...

I stripped down both the Dreadnought and the Librarian here for my final two refurbs.  I'm leaving the Captain the way he is to remind me where I came from.  That being said - I highly recommend using "LA's Totally Awesome" all purpose cleaner.  You can find it in most Dollar Tree stores or Amazon.  Super cheap and not nearly as toxic as "Simple Green".  Also, LA's doesn't melt plastic like Simple Green will.  Just FYI ;)

That being said, took awhile but liked this rendition of the DoW II BR Dreadnought:

Using this as my base template - The traditional Davion Thule Dread came out looking like this:

Blood Raven Dreadnought

Blood Raven Dreadnought

Blood Raven Dreadnought

Blood Raven Dreadnought

Blood Raven Dreadnought

Libby is up next!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Blood Raven Predator Annihilator

Part 2 of the Predator Refurb project: The Annihilator!  Some quick pictures to bring you up to speed.  Still doing the blue energy "bloom" on the Las-coils.  2 more refurbs to go!

Blood Raven Predator Annihilator

Blood Raven Predator Annihilator

Blood Raven Predator Annihilator

Blood Raven Predator Annihilator

Next time, bring you my updated Davion Thule/Black Reach Dreadnought.  This little guy needed much love...