Sunday, October 29, 2017

Blood Raven Stormtalon

It was high time I finally added a flyer to my BR's.  After a lot of research into design's I like, I have to give credit to Matt Farr for his own take on possible BR Stormtalon.  His post here:

Using that and the official GW paint schema - Duncan Rhoades showcasing DoW III BR painting schema:

And I came up with this hopefully to look like it would on the GW website.  Here is the finished product:

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

Blood Raven Stormtalon

To see how I magnetized the gun/missile pods - please visit my earlier Black Templar's commission:

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Saim Hann Wraithlord

This is the 2nd to last model in the Saim Hann commission for my friend.  Finally got his Wraithlord completed.  Here is the pictures of the completed model.  Loadout is twin Flamers, Ghost Glaive, Plasma Missile launcher, and a Shuriken Cannon.

Saim Hann Wraithlord
Saim Hann Wraithlord - Front

Saim Hann Wraithlord
Shuriken Cannon

Saim Hann Wraithlord
Primary Soul Stone

Saim Hann Wraithlord
Plasma Missile Launcher

Saim Hann Wraithlord Ghost Glaive
Ghost Glaive

Next up is Blood Raven Storm Talon and Saim Hann WraithKnight.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters

Continuation of the "Dark Imperium" Primaris Blood Ravens: Hell blasters.  Still work in progress and finally got these guys done...

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters
Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters - Front Group

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters
Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters - Group internal 360

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters
Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters Squad

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblasters

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblaster Sergeant

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblaster Sergeant

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblaster Sergeant

Blood Raven Primaris Hellblaster Sergeant

Saim Hann Wraithlord and.... Next Project in the wings...

Artel W's Gabriel Angelos.  Keep you all posted...