Sunday, October 23, 2016

Grey Knight Army update...

This photo shoot was a long time coming!  Still working on the Blood Ravens along with these bad boys.  Here's what I have gotten done so far:

(NOTE: I'm building a bigger white box to accommodate the larger armies here shortly.)


Grey Knight Terminators
Terminators & Interceptors 

Grey Knight Terminators

Fast Attack:

Grey Knight Storm Raven
First Storm Raven of 2 (Magnetized)

Grey Knight Storm Raven

Grey Knight Interceptors
Better Shots of the Interceptors 

Grey Knight Interceptors

Heavy Support and Dedicated Transports:

Grey Knight Rhino
Convertible/Magnetized Rhino's and Psycannon Razorbacks 

Grey Knight Rhino

Grey Knight Rhino

Grey Knight Landraider
1st of 2 convertible/magnetized Landraiders.  
Have the Standard, Crusader and Redeemer pattern parts constructed
More Pictures later ;)

Grey Knight Landraider

Grey Knight Landraider

Grey Knight Landraider

Grey Knight Dreadknight
2 Magnetized Dreadknights with pivoting center torsos!

Grey Knight Dreadknight

Grey Knight Dreadknight

Finally, the HQ's:

Grey Knight Librarian

Grey Knight Librarian

Grey Knight Librarian
Grey Knight's Custom Librarian

Grey Knight Grand Master
GK Custom Grand Master 

Grey Knight Grand Master

Grey Knight Grand Master

Grey Knight Grand Master

Castellan Crowe
Castellan Garren Crowe 

Castellan Crowe

Castellan Crowe


Kaldor Draigo
 Supreme Grand Master Kaldor Draigo!

Kaldor Draigo

Kaldor Draigo


Grey Knight HQ

Grey Knight HQ

More to come...

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