Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Deathwatch 1 year Anniversary Present

Over a year and a 1/2 ago, a good friend who served with me in Afghanistan and I delved into "Death Watch", the pen and paper RPG.  This went for over a year and this picture was to commemorate the group's long "watch" together. Deathwatch Black Templar Tech-Marine (+ 2 servitors), Silver Skull Tactical Marine, Dark Angel Apothecary, Dark Angel Devestator, Blood Angel Assault Marine, and a Space Wolf Rune priest.  Finally a 30K armored Blood Angel Apothecary that one of our guest GM's was thinking about rolling.  Never came about since he normally prefer playing Ultramarines or Raven Guard successor chapter characters who typically forgot how to scale walls...

Deathwatch Killteam Juggernaut

Deathwatch Killteam Juggernaut

Deathwatch Killteam Juggernaut

Deathwatch Killteam Juggernaut

Deathwatch Killteam JuggernautDeathwatch Killteam JuggernautDeathwatch Killteam Juggernaut

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