Saturday, October 1, 2022

Grey Knight Castellan Garran Crowe Tzeentchian realm alt

 After the last commision and to keep with my Tzeentch / Blood Ravens theme - Crowe is done up to look like he's doing battle on a Tzeentch inspired battlefield this time.  The black sword is swathed in green flame to also reflect this:

Next up is a little longer - but finally building a Reaver titan!  Have a couple other projects in the works, but this is the completed items so far.  Stay tuned!

Battle Angel Commission

 This was a special request from a family member for two Battle Angel Models.  A bit of a departure from my usual WH40K work, but still requested none the less.  Here is the results:

Next up - Alternate universe Tzeentch styled Castellan Crowe!

Friday, July 29, 2022

Warhound Titan Model & Fully magnetized

 This was a bucket list item and a dream come true.  I finally was able to get my hands on an ACTUAL Warhound Mars Pattern model...  Don't ask me how - but it's all legit. :)

Here is Invictus Lupus Bellum in all their glory...:

Warhound Titan Model Fully magnetized

Warhound Titan Model Urses Claw

Warhound Titan Model Urses Claw and Flamer

Warhound Titan Model & Heavy Flamer

Warhound Titan Model Plasma Cannon & Vulcan Mega Bolter

Warhound Titan Model: Plasma Cannon & Vulcan Mega Bolter

Warhound Titan Model: Plasma Cannon

Warhound Titan Model: Vulcan Mega Bolter

Warhound Titan Model: Plasma Engine

Don't worry - the lunacy continues!!!

Monday, May 2, 2022

Adepticon 2020 Limited Edition Librarian in Grey Knight Librarian Livery

 This was one of my first models to finish overseas prior to Castellan Crowe, but as luck would have it - I'm not getting around to get this guy into the portfolio...  

Here is the original concept art:

My finished product...

Adepticon 2020 Limited Edition Librarian in Grey Knight Librarian Livery

Adepticon 2020 Limited Edition Librarian in Grey Knight Librarian Livery

Now working on my own Castellan Crowe in Tzeentchian theme, plus Infernal Sorcerer, aaaaaand - special treat - I FINALLY after 15 years - Acquired my first titan!  It's a Mar's pattern warhound with all the weapons which I'll be debuting soon.  Stay tuned!

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

 My good buddy sent this model to me as a Christmas Present this past year and now finally putting the finishing touches on the model. Thanks again Michael!!!

How it all started...

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

Finally after several projects and getting back at the painting desk...

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

And now for the final touches...!

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

Using a Regular Primaris Marine for size comparison!

McFarland Toys Helblaster Space Marine in Blood Raven Paint Theme

Next up - Limited Edition Libby done up as a Grey Knight Librarian...

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Grey Knight Castellan Garran Crowe Comission

Long time freinds! Finally starting to getting back into painting and a coworker asked me to see if I could work some magic for him. Here is the results!
Grey Knight Castellan Garran Crowe
Grey Knight Castellan Garran Crowe
Grey Knight Castellan Garran Crowe
Grey Knight Castellan Garran Crowe
Working on a Bandai lifesize Helblaster Primaris figurine and a couple other projects at the same time.  More to come!