Monday, February 17, 2020


Work has me running around and many new life changes has me pulled elsewhere.  Current projects and progress to this point...:
Most of the finished Killteam arena scenery - proper photo op incoming!
Cogitator banks/ prometheium pump

Testing out painting schema for T-son cultists I've had around for AWHILE!!!

Thousand Sons cultist
T-sons cultist - Front
Thousand Sons cultist
T-sons cultist - Back
Test and kit bash cultists...

Scroll bearer = Cult Leader, Heavy Stubber, and standard cultist (Icon bearer?)

 AND... THEE last 10 Tzaangors I'm still attempting to bloody well finish.  Cannot wait to get these guys painted and put away.  Akin to painting Orks for me (shudder.)

Gabe, more T-sons, and etc.  Keep you all posted.