Friday, September 15, 2017

Dark Angel's Captain of the Ravenwing, Sammael

As a belated birthday present from one of my long standing friends who showed me "Deathwatch" and other varieties of board games - figured it was high time to give something back.  Happy birthday Jim!

Dark Angel's Captain of the Ravenwing: Sammael...

Dark Angel Sammael

Dark Angel Sammael

Dark Angel Sammael

Dark Angel Sammael

Dark Angel Sammael

Dark Angel Sammael

Monday, September 4, 2017

Completed 10 man Farsight Enclave Fire warrior commision

These models were more fun then most to paint.  The Jungle theme was the twist along with the FE paint scheme tweak.  Still working on the flamer Crisis suits, but this is the effort so far:

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors

Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors