Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Blood Raven command sqaud w/ Librarian on bikes

After playing a friend's Ravenwing - was really impressed with the flexibility and HQ hunting set-up he had.  Throw a dash of Psyker into the mix and it gets REALLY interesting.  Hence, this set-up of 4 veterans, an Apothecary, and a Deathwatch Themed Librarian.  Again, another 8 months in the making...

Blood Raven command squad

Blood Raven command squad

Blood Raven command squad

Blood Raven command squad on bikes with Librarian

Blood Raven command squad on bikes with Librarian

Blood Raven command squad on bikes with Librarian

Blood Raven command squad on bikes with Librarian

Blood Raven command squad on bikes with Librarian

Blood Raven veteran on a bike

Blood Raven veteran on a bike

Blood Raven veteran on a bike

blood raven librarian on a bike

blood raven librarian on a bike

blood raven librarian on a bike

blood raven librarian on a bike

blood raven apothecary on a bike

blood raven apothecary on a bike

blood raven apothecary on a bike

Blood Raven command squad on bikes with Librarian

Blood Raven command squad on bikes with Librarian

Blood Raven Centurions Completed!!

Finally got these guys done... 8 months later.  But they're looking great on the table.  Can't wait to field them.  Fully Magnetized and Mod-able. 6 in total, but kept the photo's for the 3 and 5 set-up.  Can be made into both Devastator/Assault Centurion load-outs.

blood raven centurions that have been magnetized

blood raven centurions that have been magnetized

blood raven centurions that have been magnetized

blood raven centurions that have been magnetized

blood raven centurions that have been magnetized

blood raven centurions that have been magnetized

blood raven centurions that have been magnetized

Thousand Sons WIP

These models are the start of the new Thousand Son's my friends and family have been gifting me over the years.  These are the two tests for color scheme.  

Thousand Sons Rubric Marines

thousand sons rubric marines

thousand sons rubric marines

thousand sons rubric marines

Working on these guys on top of the Blood Ravens AND the Grey Knights.  Just a little break from all the RED!!!