Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Blood Raven Librarian in terminator armor

 Sadly, this will be my last model here at home for awhile.  I'm heading overseas for work and had time for one last model.  I have another GK Librarian yet to do, but waiting till I get set-up to try some more.  He is my last addition for awhile:

Blood Raven Librarian in terminator armor

Blood Raven Librarian in terminator armor

Blood Raven Librarian in terminator armor

Blood Raven Librarian in terminator armor

Stay tuned for future model debuts and thank you for stopping by!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Blood Raven Librarian with force staff

 Onto #3!  This guy has been sitting for awhile and now all done:

Blood Raven Librarian with force staff

Blood Raven Librarian with force staff

Blood Raven Librarian with force staff

Blood Raven Librarian with force staff

Next - latest/newest model Terminator Librarian!

Blood Raven Space Marine Captain with Combi-Grav

 Ok!  Round 2...  This one is still out there currently and the Ultramarines colors make it look like this:

And my take using Blood Ravens:

Blood Raven Space Marine Captain with Combi-Grav

Blood Raven Space Marine Captain with Combi-Grav

Blood Raven Space Marine Captain with Combi-Grav

Blood Raven Space Marine Captain with Combi-Grav

Now with the Captains out of the way - now for the librarians!

2013 Limited Edition Space Marine Captain with Storm Bolter

 Ok!  Making progress...  First up out of the 5 is my long overdue Captain:

But - with BR color scheme!

2013 Limited Edition Space Marine Captain with Storm Bolter

2013 Limited Edition Space Marine Captain with Storm Bolter

2013 Limited Edition Space Marine Captain with Storm Bolter

2013 Limited Edition Space Marine Captain with Storm Bolter

Next up!  Captain with power sword and grav weapon!

Friday, January 29, 2021

Thousand Son's Mutalith Vortex Beast

 Finally Wrapping up all my Tson's beasts!  It's been difficult since I've had double vision due to a stress reaction to COVID, but still prevailed!  Not my beast work but one does was one can...

Thousand Son's variant of the Mutalith Vortex Beast:

Thousand Son's Mutalith Vortex Beast

Thousand Son's Mutalith Vortex Beast

Thousand Son's Mutalith Vortex Beast

Thousand Son's Mutalith Vortex Beast

Thousand Son's Mutalith Vortex Beast

Now for the Next change of Pace - my Space Marine and Grey Knight limited additions!!  Slowly pairing down my horde of grey plastic models I 've been collectiong for years...

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Thousand Sons Maulerfiends

 2020 was my roughest year to date.  The loss of a parent and in the processing of losing the other.  It's taken much, but truly thankful for friends and distant family who took up the call to come and help mine in their hour of need...

This project has been on and off due to personal circumstances - but was able to finally focus on these two even though my eyesight currently won't allow me to focus on object in front of my face.  Almost having to use the "force" to sense where the paints went.  But these two are finally complete.  My two Thousand sons Maulerfiends:

Thousand Sons Maulerfiends

Thousand Sons Maulerfiends

Thousand Sons Maulerfiends

Thousand Sons Maulerfiends

Thousand Sons Maulerfiends

The last of the monsters coming up - the Mutalith Vortex Beast...